创始人Dr. Kenneth Liu介绍

Dr. Kenneth Liu是资深的英语语言教育专家



Dr. Kenneth Liu是教育测量评价专家

在2001年的“第三届中国英语教学(北京)研讨会”上,作为大会十三位主要发言人之一,刘博士论述了“中国英语素质教育改革成功的关键在于测试评价体制的改革”,并且应中国国家“英语课程标准”测试评价专家组的邀请,在2002年为全国中高考命题人员进行培训指导。之后, 在与美国教育考试服务中心ETS的合作中,刘博士为TOEFL Junior的诞生做出了很多贡献。

现在,由刘博士所带领的团队开发了以北美课程标准为基础的学科诊断评估系统和Digital SAT的诊断与备考系统,该系统实现了对学生知识与技能水平更深层次上的分析解读。其中,该系统生成的SAT的诊断评估报告比大学理事会的官方报告更加深入、全面。这些成就和刘博士及团队的不懈努力是分不开的。2010年至今,刘博士每年都亲自参加SAT,ACT,GMAT,GRE,TOEFL(托福),IELTS(雅思)考试,来研究试题开发的方向,并进一步提高与测试评价相关的技术。

Dr. Kenneth Liu是数学潜能开发专家

2010年后,刘博士的研究领域已拓展到学生的多元智能的开发和高阶思维能力的培养。他把“多元智能理论”、“教育目标分类学”和“深度学习”等国际先进的心理学和教 育学理论融合在一起,在数学教育中创新实践,开发了“数学快速通道”课程,达到通过数学学科的学习开发学生的逻辑数理智能及分析问题、解决问题、逻辑推理、创新应用等多种高阶思维的能力。 



Dr. Kenneth Liu还是跨文化教育专家与资深个性化教育规划导师

在三十多年的职业经历中,刘博士从来没有离开“国际”二字。从他读研期间研究国际问题、专攻国际金融与投资方向,到他的外事工作,再到作为跨国公司的高管和合伙人,先后与全球最大的测试评价机构ETS、美国的多所大学、欧洲最大的外语学习软件公司Auralog、加拿大女王大学 (Queen’s University)、BC省的多个教育局及澳大利亚的E2公司的合作经历,使刘博士对国际经济发展、个人职业发展和就业趋势有非常专业并且独到的理解和判断能力。


2014年9月,刘博士创办万智教育公司,依据“深度学习”、“多元智能”和“概念教学”等理论,结合自己早年的学习和研究经历及多年的创新教学实践经验,带领团队创造性地开发了“数学快速通道”、“英语快速通道”等高效课程,以帮助学生快速提升具体学科学习能力,在各类考试中取得优异表现。为了配合教学,刘博士及团队还花费数年时间独家研发了一套智能诊断评估系统,该系统可以准确评测出学生当前的数学、英语等学术水平,或者预测学生在各类标准化考试(Digital SAT,SSAT等)的分数,并给出全面的诊断报告以表明学生可能存在的知识漏洞和提升策略。另一方面,刘博士为全球华裔学生提供个性化教育及规划服务,从2011年至今,以温哥华为基地,刘博士已亲自规划指导了300多名情况迥异的中小学生和大学生,成功地将他们送入美加著名私立高中或顶尖大学进行学习。



The unique background of educational testing and evaluation

Dr. Liu is an expert in educational test evaluation and has extensive experience in test development. In order to achieve personalized education and effectively guide the design and formulation of personalized courses, Dr. Liu also personally led a professional team to develop diagnostic tests and mock tests for SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL iBT, SSAT, English subject assessment, and mathematics subject assessment. A full set of mock test exercises and other efficient resources provide a reliable guarantee for students to achieve the highest score in the shortest time.

Senior student development advisor

Dr. Liu studied three different majors systematically from his bachelor’s program to doctoral program. He has a balanced knowledge of liberal arts, sciences, and technology. More importantly, he has had collaboration relationships with educational institutions of all levels in the United States, Canada, and China. Therefore, he has a good understanding of the basic education, higher education and postgraduate education systems of the three countries. He is an independent scholar who likes to study topics related to education, such as the law of human thinking, methods of dialectical thinking, human cognition and learning process, the relationship between education and student development, the impact of culture on personal development, business decisions and risks, the nature of language and the acquisition of language mechanisms, and global issues. One of his current research directions is on the comprehensive education and personal development of students with Chinese cultural background.

Dr. Liu is an innovative enterprise elite with rich industry knowledge and international management experience. In the United States, China and Canada, he has held senior management positions and entrepreneurial positions in multinational companies for more than 20 years. He has successively had project cooperation with large enterprises of China, the United States, Canada, and France. In 2014, he founded Multintel Education in Vancouver, Canada, starting a new chapter in personalized education, the most complicated educational practice. By now, hundreds of Chinese families have benefitted from this innovative pilot program.

Dr. Liu is a life development planning mentor with a broad international perspective, knowledge and experience. Rich international experience, professional industry knowledge, strong innovation ability, justice and noble character, and unique perspectives and methods for education and talent training, make Dr. Liu a rare student development planning mentor of the times! He uses his principles of education and practice to help students change bad habits, improve personal qualities and accomplishments, broaden their horizons, expand the pattern, establish beliefs, and enhance motivation for students. A solid foundation has been laid for academic and professional development. This has also become one of the charms of Multintel Education’s planning services!